Technology to enhance customer experience

How Solvd Developed Technology to Enhance Customer Experience for a Leading Fashion Tech Company

Web Development, Quality Engineering
[NDA client]
Retail & E-commerce

Our client is a forward-thinking and innovative company from the UK that seamlessly merges AI technologies with fashion styling expertise in order to deliver cutting-edge solutions and exceptional experiences for its clients. 

Apparel and search filters
Platform profiles

Our Client’s Goals

  • Provide the garment stores' staff of stylists with a comprehensive set of useful tools that are designed to facilitate the creation and delivery of personalized lookbooks to the final consumer.
  • Develop technology to enhance customer experience. This sophisticated tracking system should monitor stylists and customers' activity, generate analytical reports and flexible dashboards, and enable data-driven decision-making.

October 2019 – April 2024


3 people

Personalized experiences

Our Solutions:

Solvd’s Web Development team

  • Completed Seamless Integrations
    Solvd connected client’s website with diverse third-party systems, including Google Slides, WhatsApp, retailer APIs, and more. Our approach gave our client enhanced collaboration and data exchanges.

  • Unleashed the Power of Serverless Architecture by Using Azure Functions
    Our solution gave the client's site cutting-edge scalability and performance optimization because the new functions allow the site to handle fluctuations in traffic effortlessly while reducing overall infrastructure costs.

  • Utilized the Message Queues Adeptly
    This usage was essential to help assure the smooth processing and handling of tasks. With asynchronous communication between web components, the client's website now maintains optimal performance levels even during surges in user activity.

  • Implemented Key Value Databases
    The powerful data storage solutions we implemented retrieve information based on unique keys, which result in lightning-fast data access and a superior user experience. Our approach improved their website’s overall speed and efficiency.

  • Used Parallel Processing
    Thanks to Solvd’s expert use of worker threads, the client now enjoys optimized resource management. By enabling parallel task processing, client's website's responsiveness now has a higher level of performance.

  • Implemented Classical Horizontal Scaling Techniques
    This implementation improved their site's reliability up to a very high level. The client’s website can now effortlessly handle surges in traffic while not compromising on performance. Our client’s site now has an online presence that’s reliable and disruption-free.

QA Services Provided for the Client

  • Functional Testing
    In order to ensure their site’s optimal performance, Solvd meticulously and precisely scrutinized every facet of the client’s software solution by validating every function and feature. Our comprehensive Functional Testing approach guarantees that every user interaction is now met with unparalleled reliability and seamless functionality.

  • Regression Testing
    To ensure the smooth integration of future updates and modifications, our skilled experts revisited functionalities that were previously tested, by meticulously assessing their performance after each and every change. Our thorough examination protected client’s software against any unforeseen problems, helping to preserve its integrity and stability.

  • Smoke Testing
    The thorough smoke test we conducted provided us with a swift evaluation of the software’s core functionalities. This test was completed in order to ensure that it could withstand initial scrutiny without experiencing any critical errors. This preliminary testing instilled trust in the system’s reliability, and it fortified its foundation for additional tests down the road. 

  • Sanity Testing
    It focused on the essential components and critical functionalities of the client’s software to ensure that it remains stable and reliable. The site’s stability helps guarantee a solid user experience. Our Sanity Testing approach serves as a critical checkpoint for confirming that the software meets the desired quality standards.

  • End-to-End Testing
    It allowed a holistic evaluation of client's software solution. Our comprehensive approach scrutinized the entire user journey from start to finish. We verified the integration of various system components and ensured optimal functionality across all of the touchpoints. Solvd’s meticulous analysis of the software's behavior in real-world scenarios empowered the client to deliver seamless customer’s experiences.

Technologies Used

DataGrip (database)
Google Analytics
Chrome dev tools
Worker threads
Azure Service Bus
Azure Functions
Azure Insights
G-slides / drive API
Chrome extensionAPI


Solvd's team

  • Empowered Stylists with Personalized Lookbooks
    By providing garment stores' staff of stylists with a comprehensive set of innovative tools, the client transformed the way personalized lookbooks are created and delivered to end customers. Stylists now have access to a rich array of features that enable them to curate unique and tailored ensembles that meet the diverse range of preferences for every unique customer. This empowerment has not only elevated the shopping experience for customers but it has also fostered deeper stylist-customer relationships, leading to increased loyalty and repeat business.
  • Improved the Customer Experience
    Thanks to the efficient monitoring of stylists and customers' activities, valuable insights can now be extracted in order to enable data-driven decision-making. Because of these important insights, the client’s site now interacts with their customers more effectively by presenting them with what they desire more precisely. The seamless integration of analytics reports and flexible dashboards has allowed their garment stores to better understand their customers, anticipate trends, user journeys and optimize their offerings. All of these factors result in higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Boosted Sales and Revenue
    The implementation of personalized lookbooks and tracking system has led to a significant increase in sales and revenue for garment stores that partner with the client. Customers are now more likely to make purchases when they are presented with curated lookbooks that resonate with their individual style preferences. This data-driven approach has also led to more effective marketing strategies, promotions, and product placements. All of these improvements result in increased conversions and higher order value averages.
  • Helped to Reach Industry Leadership and Recognition
    Client's commitment to innovation and client-centric solutions has positioned them as a trailblazer in the fashion technology space. The successful realization of their goals has provided them recognition as a forward-thinking and innovative company that attracts industry accolades and strategic partnerships. Their sophisticated tools have set a new standard for fashion styling that’s influencing other players in the industry to follow suit and adopt similar customer-centric approaches.
  • Assisted with Sustainable Growth and Market Expansion
    The business results achieved by the client have translated into sustainable growth and market expansion opportunities. Satisfied clients have provided positive testimonials, leading to a growing client base and word-of-mouth referrals. As the client continues to deliver exceptional experiences and stay ahead of industry trends, their reputation as a reliable and innovative partner has extended beyond the UK. They are now opening doors to international markets and establishing themselves as a global leader in fashion technology.

It's been an absolute pleasure to work with this client. Their vision, clear communication, and trust in our technology that were used to enhance customer experience allowed us to deliver exceptional results. We’re thrilled to have contributed to their online success and we look forward to future collaborations!

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