VR Testing

Behind the Scenes of Innovation: How Solvd developed a VR Testing Toolkit

VR Testing
Solvd (Internal project)
Software & Hi-Tech
Our Goal of the Project
  • The key goal of the project was to develop a VR testing tool that simulates user experience to simplify the work of automation engineers while also reducing costs and shortening the development cycle.
VR Testing Tool made by Solvd

July 31, 2023 - in progress


5 people

Challenges and Solutions
  • How to integrate several technologies into a single solution?
    We needed to merge Automatic Testing platforms (Zebrunner) and Rendering Engines (Unity or Three.JS) used for developing games. VR toolkit development started almost from scratch, developing the necessary tools for accessing elements in 3D virtual scenarios.
  • How to establish the communication between the driver and the toolkit?
    It was a vital part since the toolkit needed to communicate with the application. We’ve dealt with this problem by using WebSockets to communicate with the driver. In addition, we have created our own communication protocol. It means the toolkit has to send a message (request) to inform the driver about the data needed, and the driver will send a message back (response) to the toolkit and provide the necessary information (data). The API of the toolkit manages all the behavior and communication to the wrapper, hiding complexity to final users.
  • How to transform the toolkit into a framework that other test engineers could easily utilize, making processes simpler and more understandable for them?
    We did thorough research into best practices for framework development and collaborated closely with our test automation team.
  • How to understand Unity’s structure and effectively work with it to run our tests within the Unity environment?
    We gained valuable insights into the complexities of Unity, enabling us to efficiently build it. This involved interacting with game objects, simulating various game scenarios and validating functionality effectively. Our team’s dedication and collaborative efforts allowed us to overcome these challenges and successfully conduct comprehensive and efficient testing of Unity-based applications.

Technologies Used

Connection between the VR equipment and the laptop


Business Results of the VR Testing Toolkit
  • Reduced Testing Costs.
    The Java-based framework enables cross-platform compatibility, minimizing dependence on specific VR hardware and reducing hardware procurement expenses.
  • Increased Testing Efficiency.
    Selenium and TestNG integration streamlines test automation, saving time and resources.
  • Production-Ready Testing Environment.
    Integration with Zebrunner ensures tests are executed in a reliable and scalable manner.
  • Comprehensive VR Testing.
    Wrapper maps 3D elements, manipulates camera/controller data, and records events, providing in-depth insights into VR application behavior.
  • Improved VR Development Cycles.
    Faster and more cost-effective testing accelerates development, leading to quicker product launches.
  • Enhanced VR User Experience.
    Early identification and resolution of usability issues during testing ensures a polished and enjoyable user experience.

“Overall, the VR Testing Toolkit represents a significant advancement in our development process. It will significantly reduce costs on testing VR applications, streamline workflows, and accelerate development cycles, ultimately contributing to the creation of exceptional VR experiences.”

Tatyana Nagornaya
Tatyana Nagornaya

Project Manager at Solvd

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